Inspiring Presence
At the start of this Unit's activation, each allied Ewok Warrior Unit gains and may remove
or one condition from itself. Then each allied Ewok Scout character may
Elder's Command
Choose an allied Ewok Supporting character within 4. The chosen character may
, then may gain
, remove one condition from itself or make a 5 dice attack.
Stealthy approach
Each character in this Unit may . Then this Unit may gain
or immediately make a focus action.
Protective wards
While this Unit is not Wounded, characters in other allied Ewok Unit within 4 add 1 die to their defense rolls.
Secret ingredients
Each time an allied Ewok character Wounds an enemy Unit, roll an attack die. On a [crit] or [hit] result, refresh . On a
or [expertise] result, each character in the attack Unit may
Squad points: 8
Force: 3
Unit Type: Primary
Stamina: 9
Durability: 2
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