I know if we work together, we will stay alive
At the start of this Unit's activation, choose an allied Galactic Republic Unit. Each character in the chosen Unit may . Then, if the chosen Unit was a Trooper or Padawan, one character in this Unit may
Force Push
Choose a character in this Unit and an enemy character within 3 of that character. The chosen enemy character is Pushed
3 away from the chosen allied character.
After a attack targetting a character in this Unit is resolved, this Unit may use this ability. If the attack roll contained one or more
results, the attacking Unit suffers
We can do this the simple way or the difficult way
While this Unit is not Wounded, when another allied Galactic Republic character within 3 is targeted by an attack, this unit may gain
. If it does, the defending character may use this Unit's [defense] Expertise Chart during the attack. Then, after the attack is resolved, if the defending character was a Trooper or Padawan, one character in this Unit may
Toward the attacker.
Squad points: 8
Force: 3
Unit Type: Primary
Stamina: 10
Durability: 3
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