Boba Fett, On Contract

You're running out of options

At the start of this Unit's activation, one character in this Unit may or may make a 5 dice attack targeting an enemy Primary Unit.

Knee Rockets

Choose up to two enemy Units within 3. Each chosen Unit suffers .

Whipcord Launcher

Choose an enemy Unit within 3. The chosen Unit gains and .

Dead or alive

When an enemy Primary Unit ends its activation, this Unit may use this ability. One character in this Unit may Toward a character in enemy Primary Unit.

Hired Hand

At the end of Setup, choose one of the following:

- As you wish: This Unit has the Galactic Empire Tag.

- He's worth a lot to me: This Unit has the Scroundrel Tag.

Squad points: 4

Force: 0

Unit Type: Secondary

Stamina: 9

Durability: 2


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